Around 500 Employees switch to Getnet Platform

Another important success has been achieved in the insolvency proceedings concerning the assets of Wirecard AG and Wirecard Technologies GmbH: Despite the challenging circumstances the sale of the Wirecard core assets to Banco Santander group was closed today. Around 500 employees will become part of Santander’s Getnet platform. Thereby, almost all of the remaining jobs at the Aschheim site near Munich are preserved.
Mid-November 2020, Banco Santander and insolvency administrator Dr. Michael Jaffé had signed a contract with respect to the sale of the European technology platform of the insolvent payment service provider and highly specialized technological assets.
Santander intends to accelerate the deployment of its merchant payments business, Getnet, in Europe and expand its merchant payments business at a pan-European level with the acquisition of Wirecard assets.
“With the successful sale to Santander we have achieved our goal of finding the best possible solution for employees and creditors,” says insolvency administrator Dr. jur. Michael Jaffé.
The insolvency administrator has already successfully sold several other parts of Wirecard group worldwide including Wirecard North America’s sale to Syncapay, Wirecard Brazil’s sale to PagSeguro and Wirecard Romania’s sale to SIBS.
Press contact for the insolvency administrator
Sebastian Brunner
Tel.: +49175/5604673