As announced on Thursday, 25 June 2020, the Management Board of Wirecard AG has filed an application for opening of insolvency proceedings on behalf of Wirecard AG with the competent Munich Local Court. With the filing of the insolvency application, Wirecard’s business activities will be continued. The Management Board is of the opinion that continuation is in the best interests of the creditors.
As a first step, the court has commissioned the Munich lawyer Dr. Michael Jaffé as an official expert. Whether insolvency proceedings will be opened is still under review. The Management Board of Wirecard AG expects a provisional insolvency administrator to be appointed for Wirecard AG shortly.
The business operations of the Group companies (https://www.wirecard.com/conta… ) including the licensed units are currently ongoing. The parent company performs some central functions for the subsidiaries. As previously reported, it is being continuously reviewed whether insolvency applications also have to be filed for subsidiaries of the Wirecard Group. With the exception of a small development branch office, no insolvency applications have been filed by Group companies at present.
Wirecard Bank is currently not part of the insolvency proceedings. The electronic funds transfer of Wirecard Bank are not affected. Payouts to merchants of Wirecard Bank will continue to be executed without restrictions. Further information on Wirecard Bank AG can be found at www.wirecardbank.com. The licensed legal entities, and where appropriate, Wirecard AG, remain in close contact with the respective regulators. Furthermore, we are in constant contact with the credit card organizations.
Wirecard Card Solutions Limited, headquartered in Newcastle, UK, has suspended its business operations due to an order issued by the competent supervisory authority, Financial Conduct Authority. The company has discussed measures with the authorities. The measures are being undertaken and will hopefully enable it to continue operations.
The TPA business in question is still under review. The newly appointed CEO of Wirecard AG, James H. Freis, Jr., took a new approach to investigating the known allegations immediately upon taking office. Among other measures, a number of new advisors were commissioned to ensure neutrality and, in particular, independence from the former Management Board members of Wirecard AG. The clarification efforts will, of course, continue even after the filing of the application for the opening of insolvency proceedings.